We have added Animas River Alerts the CodeRED Emergency Alert System!
La Plata County Emergency Management is working with San Juan Basin Health, Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM), San Juan County, City of Durango, Southern Ute Indian Tribe and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and others on an alerting plan for the Animas River and its users.
The alerts will inform the public when something of concern is noticed in the quality of the water in the river. Strange color, hazardous spills and heavy sediment will be investigated for impacts and you get notified. Every incident noted (even when you aren't notified) will have a report posted to the CDPHE Animas River website.
Also, CDPHE is working with the USGS to place some real time water quality sensors on existing river flow gauges. The gauge above Silverton on Cement Creek, the gauge below Silverton at the mouth of the Upper Animas Canyon, and the one in Durango near the walking bridge behind River City Hall are all slated for the upgrades in the coming weeks. Plans are for adding pH, Temp, Conductivity and Turbidity. Those sensors combined can give a picture of water quality based on metals and minerals.
We will use data collected from these gauges and sensors to monitor changes in the river chemistry and let you know when something has a potential impact.
These sensors are already on gauges in NM and UT. Check them out at http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/wqwatch/ Colorado Gauges will be there soon!
How Do You Get The Alerts?
Follow the link below to sign up for CodeRED. If you have a land line phone you are already getting emergency alerts, but not the Animas alerts. By making a profile you can add your cell phone and internet phone, email, or get text for "Emergency Alerts" and can opt-in for non-emergency "General Alerts". To get the Animas River specific alerts, be sure to check the box for "Animas River Information" If you already have a profile, log in and add it to your personalized alerts.
Any river user is encouraged to sign up; Rafters, tubers, swimmers, ditch managers, ditch users, individuals and businesses. You don't need to live in the area to get these alerts.
More details of the plan will be posted as they are finalized